How to take Sharp, In Focus iPhone Pictures

Do you often look at your phone pictures, and notice you’ve missed focus. The subject you’ve tried to capture is blurry and not quite crisp or sharp?

Here is what you can do to ensure you get a sharp subject in your pictures.

Step 1:

Open the Camera app on your iPhone by tapping the camera icon on your home screen or swiping left from the lock screen.

Step 2:

Once the Camera app is open, you'll see the live viewfinder displaying what your camera is seeing. To set the focus, tap on the area of the screen where you want the main subject to be in focus.

Step 3:

When you tap on the screen, a small square or circle will appear at the location you tapped. This indicates where the camera has set its focus point. (image below)

Step 4:

After setting the focus point, make sure to review the image on your screen to ensure that the subject is in focus as you intended.

Step 5:

Once you're satisfied with the focus, press the shutter button to take the picture. (image below)

Here is another example of the same scene but the focus this time is on the vase in the back.

The result is the image below.

The front vase is not as sharp as the one in the back because I pressed on it to bring up my focus square and make it my subject.

Experiment with different focus points and subjects to become more comfortable with achieving sharp focus on your iPhone camera.

Choosing what to focus on is a choice. As the photographer, you can make the choice as to where you want to draw the attention to in your photo.

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